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Employment Opportunities

STUDENT INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE - Working in the Washington Township Municipal Clerk's office. Duties would include:

Assistance with elections and petition verification. Issuing dog licenses to residents. Preparation for Mayor and Governing body meetings. Directing the public to appropriate offices. Assisting public, professionals, contractors, and staff. Assorted clerical duties.

Excellent opportunity to learn all areas of Municipal Government. You will learn about ordinances, resolutions, elections, licensing, vital statistics, public contracts, government records, and laws pertaining municipalities and the Municipal Clerks office.

While this is an unpaid position, you may obtain college credits upon obtaining approval from your school for credit.

We are open Monday through Friday, 8:30-4:30 . You may work flexible hours within these times to fit your schedule.

If interested please contact: Michele Auletta, Municipal Clerk at (609) 259-7082 ext. 125

Applications for employment are available in the Township Administrator's Office or available online. Employment Application: MS Word or Adobe pdf

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