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   Pool Permits
   Shed Requirements
   Residential Finished Basement Requirements
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Shed Requirements

Use: Utility
Foundations: Sheds over 150 sq ft in size are required to have footings. Sheds under 150 sq ft must be anchored.

The rules and regulations of the State Uniform Construction Code Act and the provisions of the Building Subcode (BOCA) require that certain information be submitted or provided so that plans may be properly examined for compliance and the necessary permits issued. Unless specifically waived in rare instances by the Construction Official or the Subcode Official, all required information must be provided. Plans will not be examined, or a construction permit or certificate issued, without the required information.

If in doubt, ask the Subcode Official who may make appropriate notation in front of certain items where not applicable(N/A). Separate applications and plans must be filed for each building.


  1. General description of proposed work.
  2. Location, street address, block and lot.
  3. Use of all parts of building or structure and all portions of lot.
  4. Name and address of owner.
  5. Lot ground coverage in square feet.
  6. Use group classification.
  7. Total floor area in square feet.
  8. Total building or structure if cubic feet.
  9. Estimated cost of work.


  1. Minimum of two copies of plans and specifications.
  2. Minimum of two copies of site plan to scale showing size and location of existing and new structures, established street grades, boundary line survey information and use of occupied space around building where applicable.
  3. Foundation, floor, roof and structural plans.
  4. Sections, details and connections.

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